طريقتان لإنتاج رقائق الألومنيوم

طريقتان لإنتاج رقائق الألومنيوم–نظرة سريعة

Production method of aluminum foil
According to the development process of ورق ألومنيوم, the production methods of aluminum foil mainly include the following types: stack rolling method, strip rolling method and deposition method. We share the first two production methods today.

1.stack rolling method
The stack rolling method is a method of producing foil by using the multi-layer block stack rolling method, which is the foil production method used in the emergence of the two-roll rolling mill. The aluminum foil produced by the stack rolling method is prone to creasing, and the minimum thickness of the rolled is generally only 0.01 ~ 0.02mm, and the length of the rolled foil is short, and the production efficiency is low. At present, the stack rolling method is rarely used.

2.strip rolling method
The strip rolling method is the main method of aluminum foil production at present, and the aluminum foil produced by this method has accounted for more than 90%. In this method, the hot-rolled plate or the melt continuous casting and rolling plate is used as the aluminum foil wool. Aluminum foil wool is generally rolled into a simple material through 5 إلى 6 passes of cold rolling on a foil rolling mill. عمومًا, there is no annealing in the middle, and two or more layers of rolling are usually used in the last rolling pass. The main features of the strip rolling method are high production efficiency (rolling speed up to 2500m/min), good surface quality and uniform thickness. At present, يمكن أن يصل أنحف رقائق الألومنيوم التي تنتجها هذه الطريقة إلى 0.005 مم, ويمكن أن يصل العرض إلى 2000 مم. بسبب تحسين أداء مطحنة الدرفلة الرباعية, من الممكن تنفيذ إنتاج واسع النطاق للرقائق الرقيقة بسمك 4um, لكن التكلفة ليست بالضرورة فعالة من حيث التكلفة.

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