uses and classification standards of aluminum plates

Каковы общие стандарты использования и классификации алюминиевых пластин??

Обычное применение алюминиевых листов::
1-8 пластины из алюминиевого сплава серии часто используются в освещении; солнечные отражатели; украшение здания; дизайн интерьера: потолки, стены, и т.п.; мебель, шкафы; лифты; знаки, таблички с именами, сумки; внутренняя и внешняя отделка автомобилей; украшения интерьера: такие как фоторамки , покраска алюминиевых пластин, рельеф, и т.п.; бытовая техника: холодильники, микроволновые печи, аудио оборудование, и т.п.; аэрокосмические и военные аспекты, such as China’s large aircraft manufacturing, Shenzhou spacecraft series, satellites, и т.п.; обработка механических деталей; mold manufacturing; chemical industry, insulation pipes cladding;

Aluminum plates are usually divided into the following two types:

1. Divided by thickness: (unit: мм)

Thin plate (алюминиевый лист) 0.15-2.0
Regular plate (алюминиевый лист) 2.0-6.0
Medium plate (алюминиевая пластина) 6.0-25.0
Thick plate (алюминиевая пластина) 25-200 super thick plate above 200

2. According to the alloy composition, it is divided into:

High-purity aluminum plate (rolled from high-purity aluminum with a content of more than 99.9%)
Pure aluminum plate (the composition is basically rolled from pure aluminum)
Alloy aluminum plate (composed of aluminum and auxiliary alloys, usually aluminum-copper, aluminum-manganese, aluminum-silicon, aluminum-magnesium, и т.п.)
Composite aluminum plate or brazing plate (special-purpose aluminum plate material obtained by compounding multiple materials)
Aluminum-clad aluminum plate (aluminum plate is clad with thin aluminum plate for special purpose)

In the aluminum alloy, the grade is representative. The following is an example based on the grade of 7075T651 aluminum plate. The first 7 represents the group of aluminum and aluminum alloysaluminum-zinc-magnesium alloys. The aluminum and aluminum alloy groups are divided into nine categories. Среди них, 1, 3, 5, 6, а также 7 series of aluminum and aluminum alloys are the main ones, and among them, 1 series and 3 series aluminum plates are the most commonly used, and other series are less likely to be used in actual use.

The first category: 1 серии: industrial pure aluminum
The second category: 2 серии: aluminum copper alloy
The third category: 3 серии: aluminum manganese alloy
The fourth category: 4 серии: aluminum-silicon alloy
The fifth category: 5 серии: aluminum-magnesium alloy
The sixth category: 6 серии: aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloy
The seventh category: 7 серии: Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy
The eighth category: 8 серии: other alloys
Ninth category: 9 серии: spare alloy

Technical quality requirements of aluminum plate:

1. The most basic point is that the surface of the plate must be clean, and no cracks or other oxidized impurities are allowed.
2. Due to the imperfection of the process, the surface of the plate is allowed to have defects such as dents, scratches or roll marks, but its depth must not exceed the allowable negative deviation of the plate. If the deviation exceeds the value, it will be remade.
3. Process Aluminum-clad thick plates are allowed to have shedding parts of the cladding layer and bubbles in the cladding layer.
4. Under normal circumstances, the surface of the plate is allowed to repair and remove defects within the range of thickness difference.
5. Some other requirements are mainly drawn up with the demanders and suppliers themselves, and then the process is changed.

The above is about the quality requirements on the surface of the aluminum plate. Although there may be certain errors due to some reasons, она не должна превышать значения контролируемого отклонения.

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